Family Planning

Family planning is an aspect that a couple gets a number of children they wish to have and are able to support. It can also be referred as birth control; in that by the methods applied, there is control or prevention of birth of a live child. It is also child spacing of birth of children according to convenient timing of the couple.


It safeguards children bearing mother since she gets enough time/rest from child trauma and its effects before she becomes pregnant again. Frequent birth often affects the health of a mother since the womb becomes overworked.

Planned birth makes it possible for children to enjoy children hood since parent pay enough attention before another infant is born.

Parents are able to enjoy sexual intercourse without interruption of pregnancy.

Family planning aims at welfare of the family (both parents and children) because it brings order, sense and respect into parenthood under modern conditions of living.

The siblings are also threatened by numerous new births of babies in the family. There is ensured clothing and food for the whole family.

It provides a limit to the number of children parents decide to have and are able to support.

It is a good method of fighting against poverty and unemployment since fewer jobs can be given to the natural population. Yet people should be encouraged to be job creators rather than job seekers.

When families are regulated, the country/ nation will be at harmony with economic growth and food supply and this will improve housing, roads and labour conditions of the state.

Reasonable population in a state reduces on crime such as theft, suicide, street children who are often abandoned and do so to survive.

It aids to responsible parenthood in the following ways:-

Child spacing allows full recovery of the wife i.e. total health of the mother for safe delivery of babies so as to satisfactorily bring them up.

The children have a right to be loved and cared for, so parent are able to play an active role in procreation other than leaving everything for natural depending. While one child may feel lonely the more the number the more the problems of love and care.

The mental and physical health of children needs careful consideration. Too many may be a burden and not a blessing.

Family size affects contribution of parents to community development especially for a mother with many children.

Overpopulation in a state becomes not only a problem to the family but also nation as a whole.

Resources and wealth can be determined by how many children that are born. The richer the family the more children it should have but this is the reverse because poor families tend to have more children than the rich e.g. in developed countries preference is for a few children.